Sea Transport
By virtue of supply contracts concluded with prominent shipowner companies in Turkey and the globe, Tuzcuoğlu provides its customers with regular, fast and varied sea transport services between various commercial hubs worldwide.
This service brings in a significant advantage as a factor complementing the flexible supply chain revealed upon globalization in the world.
Thanks to a robust supply chain offering two-way traffic, both from the globe to Turkey, and from Turkey to globe, the company is capable of offering - besides port and door delivery, FLC and LCL transport operations - combined TIR+ship, aircraft+ship or train+ship transports, meaning multiple transport options for customers.
This service brings in a significant advantage as a factor complementing the flexible supply chain revealed upon globalization in the world.
Thanks to a robust supply chain offering two-way traffic, both from the globe to Turkey, and from Turkey to globe, the company is capable of offering - besides port and door delivery, FLC and LCL transport operations - combined TIR+ship, aircraft+ship or train+ship transports, meaning multiple transport options for customers.